June 9, 2014

Dog Tales, June 8

A day of shuffling dogs around and working on this site. Got all the photos of Sylvie that have been sitting my phone and iPad into a gallery here. Still have lots of processing to do on them, but now I am not afraid I will lose them.

Continued back” with Samba, who is starting to get it. Practiced target” on teeter and on stairs. Stairs seem to have a lot of potential. On the teeter she is still stopping with all 4 feet on the teeter unless I lure her into position.

Lola: worked on target” on the teeter and on the stairs. Trying to change her attitude to the teeter by just doing fun, easy things for a while. Had a really good short teeter session.

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Dog Tales, June 7 Started training “back” with Samba, which is walking backwards. Harder than it sounds. The goal is to getting her baking up onto contacts to hit her
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Confident and Faster Obstacles: Speed Circles I thought I’d share a simple obstacle setup that you can use to race your dog in to, through and out of any obstacle or obstacle sequence; the