December 23, 2013

Managing a Mind

At the bottom, this was all I could see. I felt overwhelmed by others’ perception of me. Was I a success or a failure? Would I be discovered as the fraud I’d convinced myself that I was? These twin pressures — that I was unconscious of at the time — had lead me to a place of crippling self-doubt, questioning my very existence.

The act of discovery, of investigating how the mind functions, led me to a deeper understanding of myself. Developing an awareness of psychology and learning about conditions like status anxiety and impostor syndrome helped me to understand and recognise how my mind worked, enabling me to manage it more effectively.

via: Managing a Mind ◆ 24 ways

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Yep, I did it again I had a few days to myself, and what do you know, I ended up redoing my personal site. Seems to be kind of a pattern for me. I am really liking this