December 18, 2008

Carbon offsets! Just what I always wanted!

I’ve been besieged at work with what seems like a million different opportunities” for donating to someone’s pet charity of choice this holiday season. However, when I give, I like to give to organizations that I have a personal connection to or that support initiatives that are important to me personally. Donating toys for kids, while important, just doesn’t resonate with me, given my ZPG tendencies and lack of children. So I was happy to find out that Brighter Planet is running a carbon offset donation initiative this season, that you can contribute to for free. The first 5 people that sign up via the link below will have 136 pounds of carbon offsets donated in their name. That is the average amount of CO2 produced each day by a person in the US. Check out Brighter Planet’s site to see the kinds of projects they do to offset CO2 production. The message from Brighter Planet is below. —— Happy Holidays! As a gift to you this season, I’d like to offer you one day of carbon neutrality. If you claim this gift, Brighter Planet will donate 136 pounds of carbon offsets in your name. These offsets help fund renewable energy projects and are an important part of fighting climate change. All that is asked in return is that you consider conserving where you can during the holidays. For conservation recommendations take a look at: Once you claim your free gift, you’ll be able to pay it forward to your friends, family and colleagues. Best wishes! One Day from Brighter Planet

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OMG, did she actually post? Yes. Yes she did. It has been so damn long that I feel like I sould be writing something deep and earth shattering, but I don’t have it in me. I
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Thanks, Ada I think Matto has said it best for me today: I have it on decent authority that the world is full of women who kick ass in Tech. You might know