Meet me in Austin
I am leaving bright and early tomorrow morning (like at 4am, sheesh) to attend my 4th SXSW. I’m really looking forward to getting out of Dodge for a while, and I really need the shot in the arm that I always get from hanging out with all the geeks, seeing old friends, and meeting new ones. If you will be there, look me up and say hi. I will have some kick-ass Interllectual Moo cards — get ’em while they last! If you really want to track me down, you can see my schedule on, the schedule service the SXSW should have created, but didn’t. I am also going to be speaking on an Unpanel, the creation of Matthew Oliphant. This will be my first foray into SXSW speaking— I will probably talk about our epic accessibility pursuits at Humboldt State, but may speak about some other topic related to Higher Ed web design/development. I am excited and slightly terrified, but I decided that I need to start kicking my fear of public speaking somehow. Details on the where and when of the Unpanel will be coming soon.