December 16, 2006

Bite Size Standards ressurected

As John announced yesterday, I have taken over Bite Size Standards. We relaunched yesterday with a new format for article submissions and a streamlined editing process that will hopefully allow us to keep this resource running smoothly.

Why I wanted to Bite Size Standards to continue

I firmly believe that web standards are the foundation of successful web design and development. There is a whole new generation of folks entering into this field that need to learn best practices, to say nothing of the scores of sites you can find on the web that do not use standards. There is still a market and a need for web standards education. I am also seeing less and less written about standards, as the leaders in this field get too busy to write, or move on to exploring other topics. This is a natural evolution, and it may be time for the next generation of standardistas to step up and contribute. I feel that’s where I am in my career now— I know enough to give back to the community that gave so much to me.

The new format

It was import to me to put together a project to which anyone can contribute. So, as of now, anyone with a good idea can contribute an article to Bite Size Standards. If your article is deemed appropriate for BSS and passes the technical review for accuracy and quality, we will publish your article. Details can be found in the Contribute section of BSS. I hope that this gives a platform for everyone to share their knowledge and ideas, and I hope to see some articles coming in from my readers here at Interllectual.

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