Launched: New HSU site
Just a quick announcement that I recently launched a redesign of the Humboldt State University main site. This pretty much explains most of my silence for the past month or two. The new site focuses on recruiting, which is a major goal of the university at this point, and has been in development for over 6 months. Highlights include:
- Back end powered by ExpressionEngine. This is a departure from my usual Textpattern; unfortunately our server configuration won’t work with the newest TXP version.
- Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict, everywhere but where I had to tied into legacy systems. I am slowly working on fixing those.
- Standards-based CSS layout (of course)
- Kick-ass photos from our campus photographer
- A new virtual tour where we got our feet wet with Flash
- Better semantics, and a much more efficient back end structure
- Writing from our Public Affairs department— up until now I’ve had to scrape together the content myself, and it showed
- Thickbox used for supplemental stories for banner photos
- User editable quick links I will be writing more on some of the specifics in the near future, but for now, enjoy.