May 2, 2006

Thinking Out Loud…

I’ve been thinking about making some changes to this site, and I thought I’d do some thinking out loud here to clarify my thoughts and get some opinions if you care to share any. I think I’m going to be retiring the Meters. I know Steve will be bummed about that, but I haven’t been keeping up with them. I think the reason why I haven’t kept them up to date is that they are just too negative. I don’t really want to remember how many ASAPs I get. And there is no physical way to keep up with the No-Time meter. It would be up to a few hundred thousand by now, and I really would rather not dwell on that. It is also not good for me— I don’t really need to be creating more reasons to be down. So, I’m thinking of replacing the meters with my latest post on Jangly Ganglia. I kind of like the thought of swapping out the negative for the positive there. I also want to change the Elsewhere section. I have decided lately that I hate link blogs. Most of them keep rehashing the same stuff, and I end up hearing about the same post about 50 times. I subscribe to the original. I don’t need to be notified about it repeatedly from every corner of the web. The notion of adding to that noise isn’t really appealing to me, so I have been neglecting that section. I am thinking of turning it into a Notes” section, a place where I can write a small post about something I find interesting. It may be a post on another site, a quote from a book I’m reading, a small piece of wackiness that happened that day, etc. I don’t really have a place for that— I feel like I need to write long articles in the 3 sections I have now. A place for a short quip would feel good. I’ll have to come up with a good drink name for that section— feel free to leave suggestions in the comments. Brian just suggested J?gerBombs”, but that reminds me a bit too much of a couple of unfortunate nights in college… I am also thinking of recoding the site. I don’t want to change the layout, because I still dig it, but it is just too damn slow. I am going to look at ways to get the page weight down; I have found a couple of scripts that may help. I also may just have to get my dad to switch to Firefox or IE7 so I can use transparent pngs and not have to rely on the big images I use now. Plus, I want the animals back! The code I have now requires a lot of work to make a new animal theme, which is why there are only 2. The other critters are sitting on my hard drive threatening a rebellion if I don’t get them up here soon. Well, enough rambling.

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I Heart Humboldt So, this video from the Jay Leno show is making the rounds: 16 MB Windows Media file or 4.4 MB Real Video. One of my husband’s colleagues sent it to
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I’ve been Zeldmaned Got an IM from John today that I don’t think I’ll forget anytime soon, pointing me to this photo on Flickr. Margaritas all around! ——-