January 31, 2006

Portfolio Update: Sustainable Goodness

My latest project has launched: a family of sites for Ag Innovations Network, an organization that works toward real solutions to sustainable agriculture. I can’t express how fun it was to work on this project— I got to learn about an interesting and worthy non-profit, design with luscious photos of food, and push my Textpattern-foo even further. The Ag Innovations Network site highlights the mission and services of the organization, and will contain articles about sustainable ag issues. Ag Innovations Network Home PageAg Innovations Network Interior Page The Ag Futures Alliance site features a separate section for each county the organization works with, and is built to expand to accommodate up to 15 counties in the future. Each county section has a unique graphic header that features a major agricultural product of the county. Ag Futures Alliance Home PageCalifornia Roundtable Home Page Both sites use Textpattern as CMS to allow clients to easily update and maintain the content. Check the sites out if you’re interested in seeing what I’ve been doing in my spare time. A major upgrade of my Portfolio section is in the works— I have launched to many HSU sites in the last year that I have gotten behind in adding them here.

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