January 30, 2006


Please ignore this. Update: Man, Technorati is hella slow. (That is the first time I have ever said hella”. I don’t think I’ll be doing it again.) I’m going to go do something more interesting for a while. If you’re really bored, you can look at my Technorati Profile, which has pretty much nothing in it, because I don’t really understand how it will benefit me to deal with Technorati. Hence this stupid, pointless post.

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You Know it’s a Good Potluck When… Someone brings Spam and crackers on a china plate, and a 40 oz bottle of Miller High Life (I am kicking myself for not getting a picture of
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Portfolio Update: Sustainable Goodness My latest project has launched: a family of sites for Ag Innovations Network, an organization that works toward real solutions to sustainable