You Know it’s a Good Potluck When…
- Someone brings Spam and crackers on a china plate, and a 40 oz bottle of Miller High Life (I am kicking myself for not getting a picture of this)
- Some people (not you) actually eat some spam and crackers
- You end up with more wine than you started with
- The dog only growled at the right people
- The kids didn’t break anything
- It only took an hour to find the remote after the kids left
- You didn’t have to spend the whole time pretending to eat one of the kids’ toes (although he would have liked you to)
- You end up with some leftovers you actually don’t mind eating
- You have to stay home sick for the next two days, but not because you have a hangover
- The house is still cleaner after the potluck than it was before you cleaned it for the potluck
- Someone actually drank the rest of the generic grape soda you have been trying to pawn off at the potlucks for about 2 years
- Anthony has a good time
- Anthony admits he had a good time