That Post-Conference Buzz
I don’t know how it happens, but whenever I go to a conference, I come back 5 years younger. This lasts for a couple of weeks, before I go through an accelerated aging process and end up back where I started. But right now I have that post-cenference buzz (I don’t mean this post-conference buzz, but that one was good too…). I have so much energy that my head is spinning, so I needed to write this brain dump before I write a more serious post about the E-recruitment conference. Man, SXSW can’t come fast enough for me right now. So here are some disjointed thoughts, in random order:
- I have offically determined that the optimum number of pairs of shoes to take to a conference is six. This is the number I took to SXSW last year (remember, Chris?), as well as to this conference. Both times, I ended up wearing shoes that I would have cut if I had decided to lighten the load. Given the direct link between my kick-ass shoes and my self-confidence, I guess this is no suprise.
- The LiquidMatrix and Datatel folks are fun, generous, and talented. Michelle, Matt, Graham, and David all need to go to SXSW because I didn’t have enough time to talk to them in San Diego. Plus, we need a stronger educational component there— there’s is great stuff coming out of that arena.
- Graham may have convinced me of the merits of blogrolls. I may have to do some experimenting with one around here.
- I didn’t hate speaking as much as I thought I might. I was nervous, but it turned out OK.
- Matt did six presentations! Ranging from usability testing, to web standards to unobtrusive javascript. Truly impressive.
- I got all the way to San Diego, started unpacking my bag (that I had checked on the plane, mind you) and realized that I’m never going to be able to get rid my life of redwood leaves. Maybe I should change my logo.
- It was interesting, and I must say a bit refreshing, to think about universities from a business point of view for a few days.
- I learned some corporate secrets, but I’ll never tell. Mwah ha ha!
- I read a passage in Cryptonomicon on the plane ride home that made me laugh my head off, and led to me buying a new domain name last night. More on this to come, since it merits its own post.