August 22, 2005

Welcome to Version 2.0

Grab a cup and have a drink— this is version 2.0. If things look wacky, try clicking reload. If they still look wacky and you’re using Firefox, you may have to choose View > Page style > Okapi. I’m not sure why this stylesheet isn’t loading by default for me in Firefox— I’m trying to figure that out. Update: this is fixed. If they still look wacky and you’re using Internet Explorer, sorry about that. That is tomorrow’s project. I will fix things for you, I promise. This version is all about information architecture—hopefully we’ll all be able to find what we’re looking for now. It’s also all about drinking, and how different beverages play a role in my life. Professional posts will be under Coffee at my desk”— serious, no-nonsense stuff that you may need caffeine to get through. Cocoa on the Couch” is all the personal stuff—sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter, and it’s good to have a fire going and a cat purring in your lap when you read these. Then there’s my favorite, Margarita on the Rocks”. This section contains all the rants, most of the profanity, and most of the fun stuff. It’s the kind of stuff we would talk about if we went out to the bar for a drink. I may be full of crap when I post things here, so take it with a grain of salt (get it?). Why is this particular post under Cocoa? Because the cat is purring in my lap right now and I’m still in my pajamas. I will be transitioning to the margaritas soon. Hope you enjoy the new place. Update: Forgot— you may need to update your feeds— new feeds explained here. Update 2: Things should be usable in IE PC now. I am having major png issues, however, so there’s a lot more grey than there should be.

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