June 9, 2005

A Nod from the WaSP

Some Shameless Self-Promotion

The Web Standards Project’s Education Task Force has listed Humboldt State University’s web site as an excellent example of a standards-based edu site. I have since fixed the minor validation errors they mention, which were caused by my inexpert use of Textile in a couple of pages. This is an honor for which I can take full credit— I often let my student assistants code out the projects and write the CSS to develop their skills, but this project was pulled off before I even had the luxury of a student assistant. So every line of it is mine, all mine! I talked about the redesign of HSUs site on collegewebeditor.com if you’re interested in more details. It’s nice to have my work up there next to some sites that have the benefit of large web teams or the budget to hire well-known designers, even if it is buried in the bowels of the WaSP site.

How Can the WaSP Help Us?

In the email they sent telling me they were linking to HSU, the Education Task Force asked me to let them know if I had any ideas about how they could further assist higher ed to incorporate web standards into its public sites and curriculum. So I want to pass this question on to all of you— they want to help us, let’s let them know how! Here is the mission of the Education Task Force. They are a relatively new group, and they are exploring ways to further their cause. What advice can you give them? How can they help us? Also, which other university higher ed sites should be added to the list? I know there are more standards-based university sites out there than these.

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wilshire | one puts out another great Textpattern plugin Implemented here.
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And I felt so deep within it I got lost inside it all I ❤ Danny ——-