reinvented, redefined;
… rearranged but not refined (to paraphrase Phish) The design is coming soon. Some features to look forward to:
- The Interllectual Gallery, wherein you will find a tribute to the very American notion that spelling the name wrong will somehow inspire confidence in your product
- The “I Don’t Have Time” Meter, wherein I track how many times I’ve heard someone at work tell me they “don’t have time” to do something, balanced by how many times I’ve said it myself. It is some kind of academic pissing contest to inflate your busy-ness factor. If you’re too busy to perform basic bodily functions you win.
- The ASAP Meter, wherein I track how often I get requests with unrealistic deadlines. This site is being built with Textpattern, which is now running the monstrosity at work. I love it.